Panoptic semonation组合实例和语义预测,允许同时检测“事物”和“东西”。在许多具有挑战性的问题中有效地接近远程感测的数据中的Panoptic分段可能是吉祥的,因为它允许连续映射和特定的目标计数。有几个困难阻止了遥感中这项任务的增长:(a)大多数算法都设计用于传统图像,(b)图像标签必须包含“事物”和“填写”类,并且(c)注释格式复杂。因此,旨在解决和提高遥感中Panoptic分割的可操作性,这项研究有五个目标:(1)创建一个新的Panoptic分段数据准备管道,(2)提出注释转换软件以产生Panoptic注释; (3)在城市地区提出一个小说数据集,(4)修改任务的Detectron2,(5)评估城市环境中这项任务的困难。我们使用的空中图像,考虑14级,使用0,24米的空间分辨率。我们的管道考虑了三个图像输入,所提出的软件使用点Shapefile来创建Coco格式的样本。我们的研究生成了3,400个样本,具有512x512像素尺寸。我们使用了带有两个骨干板(Reset-50和Reset-101)的Panoptic-FPN,以及模型评估被视为语义实例和Panoptic指标。我们获得了93.9,47.7和64.9的平均iou,box ap和pq。我们的研究提出了一个用于Panoptic Seation的第一个有效管道,以及用于其他研究人员的广泛数据库使用和处理需要彻底了解的其他数据或相关问题。
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车辆分类是一台热电电脑视觉主题,研究从地面查看到顶视图。在遥感中,顶视图的使用允许了解城市模式,车辆集中,交通管理等。但是,在瞄准像素方面的分类时存在一些困难:(a)大多数车辆分类研究使用对象检测方法,并且最公开的数据集设计用于此任务,(b)创建实例分段数据集是费力的,并且(C )传统的实例分段方法由于对象很小,因此在此任务上执行此任务。因此,本研究目标是:(1)提出使用GIS软件的新型半监督迭代学习方法,(2)提出一种自由盒实例分割方法,(3)提供城市规模的车辆数据集。考虑的迭代学习程序:(1)标记少数车辆,(2)在这些样本上列车,(3)使用模型对整个图像进行分类,(4)将图像预测转换为多边形shapefile,(5 )纠正有错误的一些区域,并将其包含在培训数据中,(6)重复,直到结果令人满意。为了单独的情况,我们考虑了车辆内部和车辆边界,DL模型是U-Net,具有高效网络B7骨架。当移除边框时,车辆内部变为隔离,允许唯一的对象识别。要恢复已删除的1像素边框,我们提出了一种扩展每个预测的简单方法。结果显示与掩模-RCNN(IOU中67%的82%)相比的更好的像素 - 明智的指标。关于每个对象分析,整体准确性,精度和召回大于90%。该管道适用于任何遥感目标,对分段和生成数据集非常有效。
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This chapter sheds light on the synaptic organization of the brain from the perspective of computational neuroscience. It provides an introductory overview on how to account for empirical data in mathematical models, implement them in software, and perform simulations reflecting experiments. This path is demonstrated with respect to four key aspects of synaptic signaling: the connectivity of brain networks, synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, and the heterogeneity across synapses. Each step and aspect of the modeling and simulation workflow comes with its own challenges and pitfalls, which are highlighted and addressed in detail.
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Image generation and image completion are rapidly evolving fields, thanks to machine learning algorithms that are able to realistically replace missing pixels. However, generating large high resolution images, with a large level of details, presents important computational challenges. In this work, we formulate the image generation task as completion of an image where one out of three corners is missing. We then extend this approach to iteratively build larger images with the same level of detail. Our goal is to obtain a scalable methodology to generate high resolution samples typically found in satellite imagery data sets. We introduce a conditional progressive Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), that generates the missing tile in an image, using as input three initial adjacent tiles encoded in a latent vector by a Wasserstein auto-encoder. We focus on a set of images used by the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) to train flood detection tools, and validate the quality of synthetic images in a realistic setup.
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We introduce the concepts of inverse solvability and security for a generic linear forward model and demonstrate how they can be applied to models used in federated learning. We provide examples of such models which differ in the resulting inverse solvability and security as defined in this paper. We also show how the large number of users participating in a given iteration of federated learning can be leveraged to increase both solvability and security. Finally, we discuss possible extensions of the presented concepts including the nonlinear case.
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There is an increasing need in our society to achieve faster advances in Science to tackle urgent problems, such as climate changes, environmental hazards, sustainable energy systems, pandemics, among others. In certain domains like chemistry, scientific discovery carries the extra burden of assessing risks of the proposed novel solutions before moving to the experimental stage. Despite several recent advances in Machine Learning and AI to address some of these challenges, there is still a gap in technologies to support end-to-end discovery applications, integrating the myriad of available technologies into a coherent, orchestrated, yet flexible discovery process. Such applications need to handle complex knowledge management at scale, enabling knowledge consumption and production in a timely and efficient way for subject matter experts (SMEs). Furthermore, the discovery of novel functional materials strongly relies on the development of exploration strategies in the chemical space. For instance, generative models have gained attention within the scientific community due to their ability to generate enormous volumes of novel molecules across material domains. These models exhibit extreme creativity that often translates in low viability of the generated candidates. In this work, we propose a workbench framework that aims at enabling the human-AI co-creation to reduce the time until the first discovery and the opportunity costs involved. This framework relies on a knowledge base with domain and process knowledge, and user-interaction components to acquire knowledge and advise the SMEs. Currently,the framework supports four main activities: generative modeling, dataset triage, molecule adjudication, and risk assessment.
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Semantic Machines (SM) have introduced the use of the dataflow (DF) paradigm to dialogue modelling, using computational graphs to hierarchically represent user requests, data, and the dialogue history [Semantic Machines et al. 2020]. Although the main focus of that paper was the SMCalFlow dataset (to date, the only dataset with "native" DF annotations), they also reported some results of an experiment using a transformed version of the commonly used MultiWOZ dataset [Budzianowski et al. 2018] into a DF format. In this paper, we expand the experiments using DF for the MultiWOZ dataset, exploring some additional experimental set-ups. The code and instructions to reproduce the experiments reported here have been released. The contributions of this paper are: 1.) A DF implementation capable of executing MultiWOZ dialogues; 2.) Several versions of conversion of MultiWOZ into a DF format are presented; 3.) Experimental results on state match and translation accuracy.
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